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To participate in special initiatives with individual Workforce Centers, contact your local Business Development Representative.
- Energy & Natural Resources
- Food & Agriculture
- Health & Wellness
- Advance Manufacturing
- Technology & Information
- Bioscience
- Hospitality
- Transportation & Logistics
- Food & Agriculture
- Tourism & Outdoor Recreation
- Creative Industries
- Aerospace
Find more information about partnerships in your region.
Workforce Boards
Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) are business-led with members consisting of private sector, organized labor, community-based organizations, education, economic development organizations and other state agencies to provide guidance to local workforce centers. Different regions may have varying WIB application processes and procedures. Please refer to your local Workforce Center for more information.
H-1B Technical Skills Training Grant
The H-1B program provides education, training and job placement assistance to highly-skilled Incumbent workers and long-term unemployed workers in the occupations and industries for which employers are using H-1B visas to hire foreign workers. The program targets occupations within the industries of Advanced Manufacturing, Information Technology, and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), with a focus on Aerospace.
H2A - Migrant Seasonal Farm Workers
Program designed to allow foreign nationals entry into the U.S. to work in the agricultural industry, to meet needs that are temporary and seasonal in nature.

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